Brazhnikov & Partners ltd Бражников и партнеры — Юридические слуги физическим и юридическим лицам, сопровождение сделок, оптимизация налогов, слияния и поглощения, регистрация и ликвидация предприятий, открытие банковских счетов в россии и за…
Месяц: Апрель 2021
The new story of Brazhnikov Partners
Russian lawyers who are able to solve any problem, especially at the international level, can be counted on one hand. Petr Brazhnikov is one such specialist. This is a person who is…
Brazhnikov & Partners is a reliable assistant for solving legal problems
Famous Russian lawyer Petr Brazhnikov managed to build a successful career in the field of maritime law. This is a rather significant achievement, because the specialist intentionally chose a narrow specialization, where…
Brazhnikov Petr Vladimirovich
Brazhnikov Petr Vladimirovich (born 1976, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) — Russian international lawyer, attorney, founder and owner of the Dutch law firm Brazhnikov & Partners Ltd. Brazhnikov began his professional career as a specialist in the…
Brazhnikov & Partners is now in London
For almost 9 years in the market for the provision of licensed legal services in the field of maritime law in the Netherlands, the private joint-stock company with limited liability «Brazhnikov and…
Brazhnikov & Partners — registration, support, consulting
Brazhnikov & Partners is one of the most successful corporate and commercial law firms in Cyprus. The company, headquartered in Limassol and a developed network of partners around the world, provides legal…